Saturday, 16 April 2016

Two whole shows!

Rejoice! Rejoice! We have survived the potential frostbite of another winter, and the death by chocolate of another Easter. Spring is here, summer is coming, life is good.

The other day I got an email from Kyle MacFarquharson, who reminded me that:

a) I haven't posted here lately

and also:

b) Kyle MacFarquharson has a really cool name

Anyway, here's a blog post about a couple of shows I have coming up.

23.04.16 READING Are You Listening? festival website
05.05.16 LONDON Camden Monarch website

Oh you want posters? We have posters:

Obligatory album update:

Drums? Done!
Bass? Done!
Acoustic guitar? Done!
Electric guitar, vocals, piano and assorted gumpf? Ehhh, not yet.
